Sunday, December 30, 2007


Hello again. This is Aaron. This is the third blog that I've begun with the intention of posting regularly. The first was an attempt at a literary blog called Albatross Smile. While it had the advantage of being the #1 search result for my name on Google, I felt like it got away from me a little bit and that I didn't have enough time to maintain it. I eventually deleted the whole thing. The second was called The Superfluous Footnote, and it is still up. It was a record of my travels in Europe this summer, but I didn't feel like it would be a good foundation for launching what I hope will be a semi-permanent internet presence.

Hence this.

I don't mean for this to be a concept blog like the other two, nor do I intend it to be an online journal. I would, however, like a place to discuss things, and to interact with friends, family members, and interenet people. I also want to write more, and I hope that by giving myself a place to post things I will be inspired to do so. That's the idea, anyway.

For the curious, the name "Blue Curious" was chosen because "Curious Blue" is taken. "Curious Blue" was not my first choice either, but it was a reasonable alternative to "Curious Yellow," which was my first choice. "Curious Yellow" would have been simultaneously an allusion to a Swedish Film and to a cyberpunk novel by Jeff Noon; if "Curious Yellow" ever becomes available, "Blue Curious" will be no more. "Curious Blue" also would have worked with the Swedish film, but alas, it was not to be. I tried "Curious Green" just for kicks, but that's also taken.