Saturday, March 29, 2008


I guess the charade is over. There was no way I was going to be able to maintain a blog regularly during the latter part of the semester. Academic/ life demands have taken precedence, and I must (shamefully) admit that a copy of TES: Oblivion has also somehow found its way into my computer, filling up my free hours like cancer and ruthlessly proliferating its effects to my once-free, once-pure Gloria. It's not all woe and darkness--I'm reading some great stuff (Consciousness Explained, by Dennet, for myself, and Atwood's Oryx and Crake for a class)--but I feel like I'm juggling babies trying to line up housing for next year, student loans, homework, academic projects, etc. I guess I also have a job? I'll get back to regularly posting here as soon as things quiet down; maybe as soon as two weeks from now (after the SSS conference), maybe later. On a positive note, things are blooming.


Anonymous said...

babies are probably more resilient than we all think.

Kamala said...

Thanks for adding me back.

Babies are pretty awesome.

t.s. said...

It's much more fun to blog if you do it whenever the mood strikes you rather than feeling obliged to generate content. When it starts feeling like a ball and chain, that's no fun.

Aaron said...

Whoa, t.s., good to see you over here. AIP is excellent as always.