Tuesday, January 8, 2008


My first full day back in Greensboro for the spring semester. Classes start next monday. I had to spend most of the day going to required meetings, but I did have enough time to unpack. I also put a photo of myself on my Blogger profile in the hope that people who stumble here will admire my lush beard, my piercing eyes, and be properly motivated to make this a regular read. This plan is surely foolproof.

In the lull between classes and break, I've decided to slip in a book that is neither required reading for the curricula devised by my professors nor for the one I have imposed upon myself. It is Darwinia by Robert Charles Wilson, and it is pure enjoyment. I'm a little less than halfway through. The speculative aspect is not particularly original, but that's hard to do. It is pulled off well, however, and the prose is some of the best I've read in science-fiction. I feel like Wilson's knack for description would take him far in literary fiction.

I do plan on finishing the Object posts. I have the photos ready for the next one, so its just a matter of typing it up.

1 comment:

No Thanks said...

Why won't you post the rest of your objects? You make me angry.