Friday, January 11, 2008

Fast Fast/ Guitar Hero

Today was the first time I rode my new bike in Greensboro. It was exciting. I rode up and down Spring Garden street, and through some neighborhoods. I know that there are parks to be found further out, but I'm not completely used to riding in traffic yet. The cars really whoosh by. Whoosh! Bang! I know three girls who have been hit by cars on bikes, maybe more. They're really tough, these girls. Amazons! They still ride their bikes with passion.

Guitar Hero is a popular game. It seems to have maintained its choke hold on college-age boys since last semester. It never looks fun to me, though if I played it I'd probably change my mind. I did watch that video that was posted on Digg of a small child beating the hardest level, and I knew enough about it to be impressed. I wonder if he could have been a child prodigy at anything else. I wonder if potential chess prodigies walked among the Native Americans, and if so, were there similar Native American games that they excelled at? They say that everyone is good at something, which is obviously a lie, but I wonder how many people are great at things but never get the chance to do them. Maybe I'd be great at making cheese.

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